

Photos of Stone Buildings around Ottawa

Stone Buildings - Pictures of stone buildings in and around Ottawa.

Photos of other interesting things

Dormant Granite Quarry - Pictures of abandon stone quarry near Kingston Ontario.

Polycor Granite Quarry Stanstead - Pictures of an active quarry in Stanstead Quebec.

Stanstead Stone Symposium 2007 - Pictures from the Stanstead Stone Symposium 2007.

Stanstead Stone Symposium 2008 - Pictures from the Stanstead Stone Symposium 2008.

Benini Sculpture Ranch - Pictures from my visit to the Benini Sculpture Ranch outside of Austin Texas.

Home Projects

Waterfront Stabilization - 50 tons of stone, a bit of geotextile fabric and one ugly truck.

Stone Stairs and Retaining Wall - 10 tons of stone, some concrete, and the ugly truck.

Freevo based media player - 17cm x 17cm computer, 1 old CD player, and linux.

Ugly Truck Details - Lots of information of the build up of the Ugly Truck.

Inukshuk - Building of an Inukshuk (stacked stone sculpture).

Slip Form Stone Wall - My attempt at Slip Form Masonry Stone Wall.

Stone Retaining Wall - 25' Stone Wall made with large stones.

Stone Clamp - Large stone lifting device.

Stone Fountain - Stone Fountain.

Splitting Stone With Feather and Wedge - Splitting Stone With Feather and Wedge.

Homemade 70 ton Hydraulic stone splitter - Homemade 70 ton Hydraulic stone splitter.

Steel and Stone Sculpture - 8' high by 3' wide steel frame with suspended stone.

Canoe stand - Canoe stand.

1982 GMC 7000 - Fixing up 1982 GMC 7000 With HIAB 650 AW Crane.